Hacknight #52: Judy Duncan from ACORN and Kate Collins
Fifty-second hacknight – 61 participants.
Presenters: Judy Duncan from ACORN and Kate Collins, formerly from The Toronto Star’s Digital Lab
{video to come}
Kate Collins and Judy Duncan’s slides from Civic Tech Toronto hacknight, Jul 26 2016 from **Civic Tech Toronto
Breakout groups:
- Civic Tech 101: Matthew
- Freedom of Information (FOI) help & sharing: Jessica {searching/planning}
- Philanthropy 101: Ada {next steps / designers, nonprofits}
- Section 37 funding transparency: Abdi {next steps / policy & planning}
- Policing Complaint Dialogue: Zakaria {setting goals}
- Mapping (healthcare) demand & supply: Oliver {mapping & data discovery}
- Toronto Meshnet: Curtis {info/chatting}
- Chat about data collection & housing: Judy & Kate
- Chat about Atkinson Decent Work Fund: Jenn
Thanks to the Atkinson Foundation for dinner and for hosting us!