Hacknights for everyone.
Every Tuesday from 7pm to 9pm.
We now run our Hacknights in a hybrid format, welcoming both online and in-person participation every Tuesday from 7pm to 9pm.
At these Hacknights, members of the community gather to hear from inspiring speakers, share and learn about civic tech stories, and collaborate on projects aimed at improving Toronto.
We invite people from all backgrounds and skill levels to join us. Whether you’re a tech expert, a curious beginner, or passionate about civic issues, your presence and contribution are valued.
The venue changes every month so the best way to keep up to date about our events is by joining our Guild
Upcoming Hacknights Past Recording
A typical Tuesday evening Hacknight
7:00 pm
Introductions to each other and Civic Tech Toronto
7:20 pm
Scheduled speaker presents to the group
7:50 pm
Attendees collaborate on projects
We start off with a presentation and Q&A from a person or organization doing interesting civic tech work. We then split into breakout groups to work on our various civic tech projects. Afterwards we usually go for drinks at a nearby bar.
Our hacknights are a community effort and there are many ways to support. We have opporuntinies for volunteering, speaking and other ways you can support Civic Tech in Toronto.